Shree Beauty Studio

The Monsoon Mane

A wise man once said, “secrets are best be heard”; But I say “secrets are best when shared”!

I am back this rainy season with some more “Beauty Whispers”. The rains or as I call it “Showers of Blessings” have started, and oh what joy!

The colorful umbrellas are out, the plastic rain coats must be giving you cover in full swing and the dreaded laziness that must have engulfed your life. My oh my! I know that feeling. 

Talking about laziness, now that reminds me. I hope you are caring for your skin and hair, and not letting your laziness outshine you?! The sun may be late to rise and shine, but the one thing that cannot stop shining always, must be you!

 Let me share with you some care tips today for your hair.. 

*To start with, the one thumb rule of mine is the rule to maintaining healthy hair by the easiest and non complicated ways. Which lies in the absence of the number of chemicals you regularly feed your hair with. And since you can’t always avoid it, at-least try to keep it minimal- with a shampoo and conditioner routine to a maximum of twice a week. 

* Regular oiling is a must, to retain the shine, vigour and as my grand mother would say, to keep the mind cool. 

A word of advice though: Too much oiling can harm your hair. The more oil you put the more washing it will require, in turn drying your hair out! 

*Hair masks & regular hair spa can do wonders too! Why don’t you just drop by to any of my Naturals Salons near yours, and I’ll take care of it! I do have tons of options for you to choose from. 

*Over the years I have realized, that in order to get the best, you may not need to spend the best, but you must at-least know the best! And today’s last tip for you would be to shift to “micro fibre towels”and “combs that have a wide tooth”. They’ve worked wonders for me and my frizz. Inexpensive and easy to procure. Just click some buttons and order them already! 

These micro fiber towels will minimize friction between your hair and the towel, which will end up saving you from the pain of watching your hair fall like the rains this season!

Now if you want to get some more insider tips on how to keep your skin glowing and young, you need to wait for my next edition blog.

Until then, Stay tuned and Stay covered!

Until Next Time, 

-Miss Smarty Pens

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